Tosoh restarts one of fire-hit vinyl chloride monomer plants at Nanyo

Tosoh Corp has restarted one of its three vinyl chloride monomer plants in western Japan on Tuesday, as per Reuters. This is the first restart at its Nanyo complex which was struck by fire in mid-November. The No.1 vinyl chloride monomer plant with capacity of 250,000 tpa started operations after receiving approval from authorities. The Nanyo complex can produce a total 1.2 mln tpa of vinyl chloride monomer, accounting for about a third of Japan’s total capacity of 3.52 mln tpa. Tosoh aims to restart in June the 400,000 tpa No.3 plant at the Nanyo complex in Yamaguchi prefecture, but it had no schedule yet for the restart of the fire-hit 550,000 tpa No.2 monomer plant.
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