UK recycling of plastics packaging rose 2% in 2008

Despite the economic crisis, UK recycling of plastics packaging rose 2% from 24 to 26% in 2008, according to a report in This group represents European plastics industry and plastics recyclers. UK performance is cited as compatible with meeting the recycling target of the Plastics 2020 Challenge. The report describes a drop in European converters' demand for the first time in 34 years. Even so, recycling across Europe still increased (from 20.4% in 2007 to 21.3% in 2008) and energy recovery increased from 29.2% in 2007 to 30% in 2008). However, both figures represent a slowdown compared with the considerable increases recorded in recent years. The equivalent statistics for the UK are an increase in recycling from l7 to 18% in 2008, with energy recovery remaining stable at 7%. In the UK, according to the report, 75% of plastics waste (2.6 million tones) still ends up as landfill.
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