World's first liquid foaming agent for PVC Extruded Sheet unveiled

Colorant and additive company ColorMatrix Group Inc. have developed a very first liquid foaming agent for production of PVC extruded foam sheet. The new Excelite™ technology is an extension to their expertise in liquid dispersion technology which reduces material density to achieve a high performance light weighting effect but without compromising in the aesthetic quality or physical properties of the PVC sheet which can typically occur with solid foaming agents. Excelite™ for other PVC applications including foam core pipes, construction cladding, window and furniture profiles are expected to be launched in the near future. The company states that the new liquid foaming agent is color neutral without any yellowing effect on the final material. Excelite™ results in significant resin cost savings for PVC extruders with densities typically being reduced to 0.45g/cm³ or less. As per the company, the liquid dosing technologies provide greater addition rate control and accuracy resulting in more cost-effective dosing performance and are cleaner from a health and safety point of view. Another major benefit is production flexibility as Excelite™ is delivered directly into the feed throat of the extruder thereby making easier and cost effective more frequent colour changes.
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