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For Sale - Injection Stretch Blowing Moulding Machines
It is a handled PC water bottle, and it only needs one machine to finish the process of injection and blowing. It is an integrated, one-step, and multi-function machine. Handle and bottle......
PCM 4952
This machine is a full automatic one-step molding machine for thermoplastic materials such as PET, PC and PP. It is widely used for the manufacture of packaging bottles in such industries......
PCM 2807
Automatic Blowing Machine<br>...
PCM 987
<b>Advantages :</b><br> * Economical electrical consumption <br> * Reliable <br> * Not very bulky <br> * Simple functioning <br> * Possibility of connecting two belt conveyors for th......
PCM 986
<b>Features: </b><br> It is developed based on our AP03 Model, mainly for making Clarified PP (cPP) bottles. It is also feasible for making PC, PMMA, PS, PET bottles and jars.<br> <b>......
PCM 1360
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Universal Machinery & Services
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