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What is Integrated Waste Management, and its Relevance to India

What is Integrated Waste Management, and its Relevance to India

In India we generate about 3.5 Million metric tonnes of Solid Waste annually and rate of generation is growing every year,
Integrated waste management is approach towards managing plastic waste in which different type of waste is disposed of environmentally sound manner. And avoid detrimental effects of waste on environment.

Waste management is a crucial aspect of every industry. If your company produces waste, you're going to have to find some way to dispose of it. Integrated Waste Management is an overarching term for the various systems that are in place for handling and disposing of waste for a company or community. This article will cover what Integrated Waste Management is, why it's important, and how you can implement it in your workplace.

What is Integrated Waste Management?

Integrated waste management is a holistic approach to managing waste that takes into account all aspects of the waste life cycle, from generation to disposal. It is important because it can help reduce the environmental impact of waste, and improve the efficiency of waste management systems.

What are the Environmental Concerns of Different Waste Issues?

Different waste issues present different environmental concerns. For example, solid waste can cause water and air pollution when it is not properly managed. Hazardous waste can also cause contamination of soil and water. Improper management of any type of waste can lead to negative consequences for the environment.

How is the Integrated Waste Management System Different than Garbage Disposal Systems?

The major difference between the two is that with integrated waste management, solid waste is treated as a resource. It is no longer seen as something to be disposed of, but instead something that has the potential to be reused or recycled. This approach to waste management is not only more sustainable, but can also save money in the long run.

Challenges of New Problems with Integrated Waste Management

As the world progresses, we create more and more waste. And as our population continues to grow, the amount of waste we produce is only going to increase. That's why it's so important to have an effective waste management system in place - one that can handle the challenges of increased waste production while still protecting our environment.

Integrated waste management is one such system. It takes a holistic approach to waste management, incorporating all aspects of waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and disposal. By taking this comprehensive approach, integrated waste management can help to reduce the environmental impact of our waste while still ensuring that it is properly managed.

However, implementing an effective integrated waste management system is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is simply getting everyone on board. There needs to be buy-in from both individuals and businesses in order for it to be successful. Additionally, there needs to be a clear understanding of what integrated waste management actually entails. What are the different components? How do they work together? Without this understanding, it can be difficult to get people on board with the concept.

Example (Case Study) of integrated waste management:
Efficient Waste Management of Waste Collected at Material Recovery Facility Municipal Corporation Thane, Maharashtra. 
Thane MRF facility receiving all types of dry waste mixed or segregated which are further needs to be disposed of maximizing resource value
Brief Summary
Now with aim to maximizing resource efficiency, MRF was revamped and installed with necessary equipment such as bailing machines, health and safety equipment’s.  

Mixed waste constituted of post-plastic, paper, metal and more. Which was further segregated and recyclable material such as metal are sent to metal recycler, which would have otherwise mixed and ended up in landfill, 
Now all the plastic that are recyclable gets recycled which are further used to manufacture range of products
Glass bottles, paper and metals are separated and channelized for recycling into new products.

Source:- The Shakti Plastic Industries

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