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Leading Packaging Companies in 250 Billion USD Plastics Packaging Market

Leading Packaging Companies in 250 Billion USD Plastics Packaging Market

Plastics is one of the most widely used packaging material. It is light weight, can be given attractive forms, has excellent protective properties and is very economical. Plastics continue to grow their share in packaging. The current plastics packaging market size is estimated at around $ 240 billion. Few estimate the market between 250 to 260 billion USD. At a CAGR between 3% – 4%, the plastics packaging market is estimated to cross USD 325 billion by 2027.

Flexible packaging accounts for almost 70% of plastics packaging. Food and Beverages accounts for over 50% of the plastic packaging consumption

Inspite its popularity only 2 plastics packaging company feature in the list of top 10 global packaging companies, Amcor & Berry Global. Reynolds Group, owner of Graham Packaging also makes the list but has a much higher share of metal packaging in its overall revenues

Sales of the leading plastics packaging companies in  2019 is reported as below


Company 2019 Revenues in billion USD  Major Products Head Quarters
AMCOR (Acquired BEMIS) 13 Beverages, Food, Healthcare, HomeCare Personal Care, Pet Care, Specialty Cartons Australia
Reynolds Group (Owner Graham Packaging) 9.7  Metals, Plastics NZ
Berry Global  (Acquired RPC Group) 8.9 Personal Care, Household, Food, Beverages, Health& Hygiene, Tapes& Adhesives US
Sealed Air 4.8 Flexible Films, Foam, Semi Rigid, Bubble Packaging USCoveris
Alpla 4.5  Rigid Packaging, Bottles, Closures, Preforms Austria
Plastipak 2.7 Bottles, Beverages, Housecare, Dairy, Oils, Personal Care USA
Constantia 1.81 Flexibles, Consumer and Pharmaceutical Austria
Coveris 0.95 Paper, Films, Bags, Label Austria


Many Indian players have achieved a global scale, especially in films and laminates. India is now a leading producer of BOPP, BOPET, CPP films

Few of the leading listed plastics packaging material producers include

Company 2019 Revenues in INR (Crores)  Major Product
U Flex 7400 Flexibles
Polyplex 4487 PET films, BOPP, Blown and CPP films
Jindal pOly films 3516 BOPP, BOPET Films
Essel Propack 2760 Laminated Tubes, Oral anad Personal Care
Time 2140 Drums, Tarps, Films, Sheets
Cosmos 2032 Barrier Films, Pouching Films, CPP, Lidding Films
Manjushree Technopack 1150 Preforms, Rigid Packaging
Flexituff 885 FIBC, Woven Sacks
Max 780 Films
Emmbi Industries 333 FIBC, Woven Sacks
Kanpur Plastlpacks Ltd 322 Woven Sacks, FIBC


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