Technical Papers Plastics
The Plastindia 2012 International Conference - Towards a Sustainable World

The Plastindia 2012 International Conference - Towards a Sustainable World

The PLASTINDIA 2012 International Conference is a forum where all stake-holders would converge to share information and views on technology, markets, trade and benefit from extensive networking opportunities. It would provide a platform for sharing knowledge amongst scientist, technologists, business professionals and more importantly students and future leaders of plastic industry. The conference is scheduled concurrently with PLASTINDIA2012 in New Delhi on 2nd and 3rd Feb at Hotel Hilton Eros, Nehru Place.
Reflecting the global nature of PLASTINDIA 2012, the conference has an excellent blend of overseas and local speakers. High profile industry leaders from technology, business and consulting firms are participating at this mega event. A poster session is structured to bring fresh perspectives with students� participation, thus, the conference also becoming a learning forum for future professionals from our industry. Sustainability is no longer an option but is rapidly becoming a compulsion for future businesses. This objective, however, appears blurred within chemical industry in general and plastic industry in particular. Our industry apparently suffers from a split image on sustainability parameter. While scientific data validates the fact that plastic products offer more sustainable solutions, external perspective is contrary to this. Theme of this year�s conference is - Towards a Sustainable World. The conference addresses this duality and removes some degree of haziness obscuring this critical issue. A dedicated session focuses on Plastic Recycling and Sustainability to bring some clarity and direction. Response to the conference from global fraternity had been overwhelming. A galaxy of highly competent speakers has consented to speak and share their knowledge and perspectives from their respective fields.
Speakers from the following prominent companies will be speaking at several topics at sessions spread over 2 days.
International Business over view: ExxonMobil Chemical Company, CMAI, CBI Consulting- China, ICIS Pricing
Indian Business Outlook: GAIL, IOC, Chemplast Sanmar, Reliance Industries Ltd
New Business Opportunities - Materials : OpAL, Bayer, Borouge Pte Ltd, Lyondellbasell.
Application & Product Technology: Dow Chemicals Pacific (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Kraton Innovation Center - Tsukuba (KICT)-Japan, Trexel Limited, Engel Austria GmbH
Machinery & Conversion Technology: Dr. Werner Feistkorn, Windm�ller & H�lscher KG Milacron Plastics Machinery, Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd.
Additives & Compounding Technology: Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd., Chemtura Europe GmbH, BASF
Recycling & Sustainability:Michigan State University-USA, ExxonMobil, Coca Cola, Plastic Waste Management Institute, Japan
To view Conference Schedule and registration process details please visit:
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