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For Sale - Nylon Scrap
Nylon Waste- Nylon waste N66 - We want to sell and supply Nylon waste N66 to you with quantity around 50 ton per month - As usual we sell this N66 waste to factory who produce NYLO......
RM 3335
:- Indonesia
Nylon 66 Products : Nylon 66 Tirecord Waste Original : From Indonesia from the factory who make Nylon 66 yarn then make Dipped TCF in roll under Nylon Material Packing:-Around 500 kgs......
RM 5350
:- India
Nylon scrap fishing net Quantity 60 tons ...
RM 5223
:- Mexico
Material for disposal - Nylon Multi filament yarn - various deniers - reason for classifying as 2nd grade - weight shortage - Available quantity 50 tons. -Polypropylene monofilame......
RM 3324
:- Chennai, India
(A) White / Black / Nylon cut piece / Netting waste: We are manufacturer of fishing nets and ropes with following specification: - Nylon waste generated out of netting, - Made of 840......
RM 2961
We can supply 50 MT of Nylon 66 Net, Baled as per the pictures, we are now moving this material to end users in China and Taiwan. The Nylon (PA) Fishing Nets that we offer. They are ......
RM 2162
:- UK
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a company dedicated to import-export and recycling of plastic and textile waste materials. We want to offer you the following items: - PA ......
RM 2167
:- Spain
Nylon Grinding...
RM 1050
:- Western India
We can supply Clean Nylon Fish Net waste. Refer pictures. 100 Tons / Month...
RM 1674
:- Chile
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