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For Sale - Polyphenylene Sulphide (PPS)
Polyplastics Polyphenylene Sulfide - PPS - Fortron: Fortron because of its linear type polymeric structure it out-performs conventional PPS resin in respect of heat resistance, flame res......
RM 2032
:- India
We provide quality recycled granules from Industrial waste. Regular Supplies can be assured PPS Glassfilled. Our material is also suitable for Plunger type machines...
RM 1556
:- Western India
PPS (Polyphenylene Sulphide) Granules: We deal in PPS grades in natural, black colours etc. ...
RM 2412
Polyphenylensulfide Resin It is resin with heat resistance and heat plasticity characteristics. It is called the number 6 general purpose engineering plastics. There are both bridge type......
RM 1491
:- Japan/Singapore
PPS is a polymer made up of alternating sulfur atoms and phenyl rings in a Para substitution pattern. We offer PPS with glass / carbon fiber reinforcement, other inorganic fillers, or met......
RM 1928
:- Hong Kong, China
<b>NovaPPS</b><br> We offer NovaPPS Resin from Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics Corporation<br> Novapps is a resin that provides excellent heat resistance and heat plasticity characteris......
RM 1620
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Apex Techno Polymer Pvt.Ltd.
Padmini Petroplast Pvt. Ltd.
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