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Manufacturers of Corona Treaters for plastic films, woven fabric, 3D corona treaters. Corona treaters help adhesion of printing ink to the substrate
Required - Manufacturers of Corona Treaters, 3D Corona Treaters for Plastic Films
We are looking for Corona Treaters For woven sack printing machine Input Supply:-230 V AC , ± 5 % , 1 Ø , 3 Wire Treatment Size:-1000 mm Line Speed:-200 mtr/minute Material:-PP/HDP......
PTP 4941
We are looking for Online Heavy Duty Corona Treatment system in PP / PE Based Plastic Sheet Line The specs of them are as follows Material to treat:- PP, PE Max treatment width:- ......
PTP 4794
We are looking for used corona discharge treater with the following specifications: - Lay Flat Film width: 2000 mm - Actual treatment area: 1000 mm (at centre of 2000 web) - Line sp......
PTP 4232
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Hyplast Industries
Eltech Engineers
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