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Hot fill PET preforms require the necks to be cystallized. Source PET preform neck crystallising machine.
For Sale - PET Preform Neck Crystallising Machine
A Nu-Vu Conair crystallizing system will allow you to convert amorphous PET (granules / flakes) to a crystalline state that can be dried. The drying can occur at an elevated temperature t......
PTP 4326
AEC's CL Series crystallizers are used to crystallize amorphous material in a continuous process. Slow speed agitation of the material prevents agglomeration and minimizes product degra......
PTP 3855
- PLC control system - Extra drying and crystallization system is not needed, low energy cost - It can be integrated directly with the single screw extruder or twin screw extruder - Re......
PTP 2573
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