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For Sale - Used Mold Manufacturing Machines, Used EDM Machine
Maho- MH- 600 Germany Specification - Travel X, Y, Z - 600*400*400 MM Resolution - 0.005 MM Table Size - 980*480 MM Speed Range- 20-4000 RPM For more details contact at: Gujar......
UM 1617
Buss PRK / E 200 extruder. 11D 2 Roll Mill: R.Comerio cyl. Ø650 table 1800 mm Rodolfo Comerio - cyl. Ø610 mm x 1700 mm Cooling C.M.C. 16 rolls dia. Ø85 mm board 1720 mm Slide emboss......
UM 17769
:- Europe
Model:- OKK MHA-400 with Meldas Controller UM 61<br> Bed 1100mm x 900mm<br>Travel 700 x 440 x 470 <br> Table load 700 kgs...
UM 122
:- Western India
Model:- Mikron WF 21 C with Heidenhain Controller TNC 155<br> Bed 350 mm x 700 mm<br>Travel 400 x 400 x 400 <br> Table load 350 kgs...
UM 121
These lots of used machines are located in Singapore. - Mitsubishi EDM m/c, model: M25, s/r no: 53250123, date: Jul 89, price: S$0.3K. (Machine not working, selling as scrap). - Ma......
UM 1652
Maho - MH - 600W - Germany. Specification: Travel X x Y x Z - 600 x 400 x 400 MM Resolution - 0.005 MM (Five Micron) Table size - 980 x 480 MM Speed range - 20-4000 rpm To be ......
UM 1530
:- India
Model PJ1040 with Fagor 800 CNC control and Baldor drives<br> Table Size: 1270 x 254 mm<br> X Travel 1000mm<br> Y Travel 450mm<br> Z Travel 600mm<br> Spindle Power 5HP<br> Taper NT ......
UM 481
Model CH 2BAT with Kirloskar CNC control and drives<br> Table Size: 1270 x 254 mm<br> X Travel 600 mm<br> Y Travel 300 mm<br> Z Travel 120 mm<br> Knee Travel (w/o CNC)420 mm<br> Spi......
UM 482
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