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Dealers of second hand offset printing machines. Source used dry offset printing press for printing on disposable glasses, thin wall tubs for food packaging.
For Sale - Used Offset Printing Machine and Dealers of Dry Offset Printing Press
Model: SM 72 ZP Number of color : 2...
UM 24607
:- Europe
Printing size 530 x 740 mm Sheetfed control Prinect PRESSS Center Compact with remote control for inking ( Touch screen 19" TFT) Priect Press Center Compact software ( Intellistart) ......
UM 24570
:- -
Size 15 x 20 inches. Model - 510...
UM 24571
:- India
Model:GTOV 52 Size: 360 x 520 mm Impression: 57 Mio. Equipments: Straight machine alcolor, Baldwin ...
UM 24560
Width: 520 mm Printing width: 510 mm 2 Offset UV Led Curing 1 Flexo UV Varnish 7 Printing tower UV-LED Inkzones Eltromat Imcon software E&L inspection camera Technotrans dumping wa......
UM 24556
:- Germany
Model: LC-412CNC Plate type:Screen Printer Applicable industries: Manufacturing Plant Machinery Repair Shops Food & Beverage Factory Shop Printing Construction works Other Advertising ......
UM 24554
:- China
Number of impressions (mio): 145 Machine control CP 2000 Feeder PPF Preset Plus feeder Non-Stop feeder Steel plate in feeder Printing units Number of printing unit(s): 10 Machine......
UM 24537
Model: Rapida 74 G 6-farb+L Rapida 74G-6+L ALV2 with UV dryer 6-color plus chambered doctor blade coater Six-color dry offset press with UV dryer Print format: 50 x 70cm, 0.06mm - 0.5......
UM 24539
Model: SM 74-8P Heidelberg SM 74-8P 210 Million Imp CP2000 Alcolor Autoplate Automatic washers...
UM 24538
:- Middle East
Model: Speedmaster SM 52-2+ Semi Automatic Plate Change Grafix Alphatronic 200: Powder Sprayer Pull Lay Control - Electronic Automatic Blanket Washing Device Doyjop Automatic Impres......
UM 24523
Model:XL 75-5+L Number of prints: 124 million Maximum printing speed 15,000 sheets/hour Format 530x750 mm Control: Prinect Press Center XL 2 Walscreen XL Prinect Press Center Sof......
UM 24521
Model:PM 52-5+ (Autoplate) 37x 52 cm 87 mil. Alcolor Autoplate Prinect Classic Center Feeder - electronic draw mark control Blanket washing device PressControl Baldwin Automix Gr......
UM 24522
Roland printing press with around 130 Million impressions RCI Steel plate feeder Vacuum feed board Double and absence sheet control ROLANDMATIC Automatic plate feeder Perfecting un......
UM 24500
:- Romania
Model: 300 Size: 53X74 cm. Colour: 4 Year: 1996 250 MILION PRINTING...
UM 24498
:- Türkiye
Size 36 x 52 cm, CP 2000, Alcolor dampening, Technotrans cooling and recirculation, Autoplate, All washers, Perfecting 2-2 or 4-0, Powderspray ...
UM 24455
, Axis Control, CP 2000, Alcolor, air-cooled inking unit temperature control, inking unit washing device, blanket washing device, Perfect Jacket, Substrate thickness up to 0.6 mm, dra......
UM 24454
Model:-SM 52-4 Straight machine Plus version Alcolor damping Princet Center Preset Feeder and Delivery Automatic Ink Rollers Wash Automatic Blanket Wash HydroStar Compact ( Baldwi......
UM 24034
Model:-Dominant 547P Maximum sheet size:-381 x 520 mm (in perfecting mode a little less) Dampening Varn Kompac III Feeder stream feeder - up to 12.000 sheets per hour Perfecting 4-0 /......
UM 23982
Maximum sheetsize:-370 x 520 mm Dampening Alcohol fiilm dampening with chilled circulation pump Sliced ink ducts, pneumatic functions, stream feeder ...
UM 23983
Used for printing on CD and DVD's Offset design Test systems: Visualization system Ktronic Color controls 6 UV lamps...
UM 23818
:- USA
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