Winning is the Way of Life and We have it Mastered


Plastiblends, one of India’s foremost masterbatch producers has been crowned “BEST EXPORTER FOR MASTERBATCH CATEGORY” for 4
consecutive years - 2017-2018/2018-2019 & 2019-2020/2020-2021.

The glittering award ceremony was consented to by the honourable Minister Shri Piyush Goyal Ji as the Chief guest, and our team was blessed to
receive the esteemed trophy from the leader himself.

For the award received, this triumph is yet another milestone on Plastiblends drive to be recognised worldwide as the most prominent player and also
to be seen as a solution provider with vision and perseverance, to ensure sustainable & new solutions are offered to our markets globally for
them to stay ahead.

Commenting on the honours given by PLEXCONCIL, Mr Vinayak Pandhare, COO Plastiblends said “ We are not surprised by the achievement, but thankful
to the entire Team who has worked relentlessly to ensure we stay on the top.” Further, Mr Varun Kabra - vice chairman and managing director
mentioned, “Our mission in the coming years is to be focused more on the untapped sectors with a service approach, offering unique products and
solutions for the long term viability of our industry while trying to work closely with customers in their developments to help them achieve their goals.”
We thank PLEXCONCIL for the prestigious award and wish them in their effort to get the industry together under one roof

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