MOPE Films for Lamination & Recyclability


IPI  and AIPMA had an innovation pavilion at the recently concluded Plastivision 2020 Exhibition at Mumbai

IPI has collected over 70 unique products and innovations from all over the world and displayed the same.


  Mono-Oriented PE Films

Gruppo Colines, headquartered in Novara Italy, is a world leader in Cast Film Extrusion Technology. The holding company is characterised by a unique corporate structure as machine and technology providers at 4 distinct production sites and film manufacturers in a holding company, B-Pack. This has resulted in a perfect synergy of technology and process know-how.
What is MOPE Film?
MOPE stands for Machine Direction Oriented PE Films and is producd by in-line stretching of CPE films.
Today, the PET-PE the most commonly preferred laminate structure, but it fails to comply with the single family structure ruling by the NGT. MOPE film is the perfect solution which offers sealing properties inherant to PE films and stiffness, flatness and mechanical properties comparable to PET. Also, we now have the possibility to metallize MOPE films.



Major Advantages:

  • Down Gauging – Due to orientation, possibility to downgauge
  • Possibility to metallize
  • Printing Advantage – Lower thickness can be printed at higher speed due to greater stiffness & flatness
  • Higher transparency due to orientation
  • Improved barrier properties due to orientation
  • Better Rigidity
  • Easy Tear Possibility
  • Good Sealant inherent to PE films                                                                                      


Laminate Possibilities to comply with NGT single family structure rulings:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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