8th International-Injection, Blow, Roto Moulding, and PET Global Summit -2023 | 9th - 10th, October 2023 | Mumbai, India.


8th International Injection, Blow, Roto Moulding, and PET Global Summit 2023 by ElitePlus++ Business Services was successfully held in Mumbai on October 9th & 10th 2023. The Summit was a Grand Success with over 760 attendees from 410 Organizations representing 13 Countries.

This is the Only Platform Globally with 4 critical segments of the plastic converting industry – Injection, Blow, Roto Moulding, and PET with Brand Owners participating under one roof.The latest innovations in technology, global business trends and advancements from all main Raw material producers, machinery makers, convertors and processors, ancillary manufacturers, Recyclers and Brand Owners were presented at the Summit.

Main attraction of the two day power-packed program was the active participation of the Global Brand Owners .

Global industry Leaders delivered more than 40 power-packed presentations on technicalsessions namely Material Opportunities for Moulding Applications, Innovations in Injection, Blow and Roto Moulding Machinery, Moulds and Automation, End User Perspective, Mobility, White Goods and Material Handling, PET Machinery, Recycling, Trends in Blow Moulding, Voice of Converter and New Applications in Raw Material & Design in RotoMoulding.

The Keynote speakers highlighted the Key Factors shaping the industry, latest Global trends, EV vehicles fuelling demand for plastics, FMCG and White Goods thrust on Sustainability, changing consumer behaviour, automation in the processing sector, role in water management, and top Fund Managers perspective on the our industry.

The main takeaways from various speakers’ presentations were:
First - The Indian economy is strongest even though there is Global slow-down. The rigid plastic industry in India is poised to grow fast looking at the megatrends. The World is looking at India.

Second-Growth will encapsulate new applications and ideas for improving productivity, efficiency and increased focus on customer appeal for Sustainability.

Ajay Arora, Head of Investment Banking Advisory at Ernst & Young India, presented insights into the emerging scenario for Mergers and Acquisitions in the packaging sector, shaping the industry's future landscape.

In the special session on "Transforming Rigid Packaging with Artificial Intelligence," industry experts explored innovative applications of AI in rigid packaging processes. The discussion revolved around leveraging AI for enhancing innovation, ensuring sustainability, and guarantee quality assurance in packaging solutions. Participants delved into real-world case studies, demonstrating how AI technologies are revolutionizing the packaging industry.

In-depth three Interactive Panel Discussions were a focal point of the Summit

First Panel Discussion was on The Brand Owners Wishlist moderated by Sridhar J,Head - Packaging Development, Pureplay Skin Sciences and featuring Panellists, including from Pidilite Inds., Mankind Pharma, Godrej Consumer Products, and L'Oréal, engaged in insightful discussions about the latest trends and challenges in packaging development& the session delved into the unique challenges faced by brand owners in the rapidly evolving sustainable packaging landscape.

Second Panel Discussion on Excellence in Manufacturing through Automation moderated by Raju Desai, Director at Jyotiplastic, and featuring panellists from Fanuc India,Devanshi Electronics, PTC & Selplast Exp discussed cutting-edge innovations and emerging technologies shaping the future of packaging

Third Panel Discussion on Indian Industry's March for Sustainability in Packaging was Moderated by Dr. Vijay Habbu from Reliance Industries and featuring panellists from GMS Plastic Machinery, Magnum Group, J B Ecotex and Landbell GreenForest Solutions. The panel delved into the pressing issue of sustainability in the Indian packaging industry, exploring innovative approaches, challenges, and opportunities, also an eco-friendly materials, recycling initiatives, waste reduction strategies, and the role of technology in sustainable packaging solutions.

The 8th International - Injection, Blow, Roto Moulding, and PET Global Summit 2023 demonstrated the industry's commitment to embracing innovation and Sustainable practices and achieving Growth. The event's success can be attributed to ElitePlus++ Business Services dedication to quality, collaboration, and service excellence. The Summit provided a platform for learning, growth, and collaboration, making it the Largest common gathering of industry members on a Global scale.

About ElitePlus++ Business Services
ElitePlus++ Business Services is India’s Leading pioneering organizer of professional and technical conferences, setting the Gold standard for industry Summits Globally . They own and operate the Largest Summits in the World for Vinyl and Flexible & Rigid Packaging.

For more information,
Please contact: +91 9619634690 | delegate@eliteplus.co.in

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