Trust and service that merit awards. Tibro Tours at ChinaPlas 2024



An award is recognition of a certain standard of a company's performance expected by the industry. And Tibro Tours have recently earned it. They won the prestigious Overseas Travel Agency Award by the organisers for mobilising an awe-inspiring contingent of 450+ passengers - the largest ever worldwide - to China Plas 2024. In so doing, Tibro, the new face of erstwhile Orbit, have once again reiterated their reputation as the leading trade fair company for all industries.

The award emphasises Tibro's outstanding travel logistic services, impeccable coordination and their vital role in expanding the international reach of the exhibition. Moreover, they have fostered business opportunities for Indian professionals and businesses in the plastics and rubber industries. 
The delegates who comprised industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals from various sectors within the plastics and rubber industries were all praise for Tibro's 
 end-to-end travel solutions - from flight bookings and visa assistance to world-class accommodation and local transportation.

Customised itineraries ensured delegates could maximise their time at the exhibition and attend key seminars, networking events and industry sessions. The delegates relished Indian dinners prepared in the comfort of the hotel, by Indian chefs specially flown from India. A dedicated on-ground team ensured a hassle-free experience for delegates throughout the event. 24x7 support was available to address any travel or event-related queries/ issues.
CHINAPLAS 2024 served as a pivotal platform for delegates to explore cutting-edge innovations, forge new partnerships, and gain insights into the latest industry trends. The successful  participation of the Indian delegation, coordinated by Tibro, significantly enhanced the delegates' ability to leverage these opportunities.

Tibro Tours remain committed to supporting the global ambitions of Indian enterprises through exceptional travel solutions and exemplary professional services.
Tibro Tours are grateful to the organisers of CHINAPLAS 2024, their own dedicated staff, and to all delegates for achieving this enviable feat.They promise to extend all the possible and necessary support to Indian businesses in any of their international endeavours.

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