Automation specialist KEBA puts a second plant into operation in Linz

The Linz-based KEBA Group continues to show positive development and for the current 2012/2013 financial year anticipates sales of around EUR 145 million. As a consequence, it will again show double-digit growth for the year. This ongoing expansion and excellent order backlog have necessitated a production facility enlargement, as automated machinery manufacture in particular is extremely space-intensive. Moreover, in order to achieve an optimum assembly flow, it is important that production can be carried out on one level. With the former premises of the Quelle company, an ideal property was found and KEBA’s entire automat production has now been switched from the “Gewerbepark” to the “Industriezeile”. Since January, KEBA has had roughly an extra 5,000 m2 available at its Plant 2 for the manufacture of banking machines, e-vehicle charging stations and parcel automats, complete with additional space for further expansion.The working area was brought up to the structural and technical standards required for modern manufacturing in just three months and if own activities are included, KEBA has invested a total of approximately EUR 500,000 in this second production location. At the KEBA location in the “Gewerbepark”, where a total of 10,000m2 of production space is available, there is now a focus on electronics production. This incorporates control and visualization systems, as well as manual operating devices. Growth can also be anticipated at this facility and therefore the space that has become free will quickly find an application.
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