Celanese increases production at North Carolina Plant

In a bid to meet an increased global demand, one of Celanese Corporation’s strategic affiliates - Fortron Industries, will increase production of Fortron polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), at Wilimington. The North Caroline plant is the world’s largest linear PPS operation with capacity to produce 15,000 tpa. The plant is a joint venture of Kureha Corporation and Ticona Engineering Polymers – a subsidiary of Celanese. Fortron PPS is a high-performance polymer used in demanding industrial applications. It has high chemical and thermal resistance, high hardness, rigidity and dimensional stability, and low creep and moisture absorption. The polymer is often used instead of metals and thermosets in applications like auto pumps, valves, air ducts and powertrains; electronic connectors, plugs, switches and circuit boards; structural and non-structural aircraft components; and heater grilles, impellers, conveyors, power tools, microwave elements and other industrial uses.
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Windmoller  and Holscher 5 layer cast film line

Windmoller and Holscher 5 layer cast film line