Chem-Trend to build facility in China for production of release agents and specialty lubricants

US based Chem-Trend, manufacturer of release agents and other process chemical specialties for the die casting, rotational molding, general rubber, polyurethane, tire, thermoplastics and composites industries, plans to invest in a new facility in China. The facility is designed for a maximum annual capacity of almost 13,000 metric tons of release agents and lubricants. The new 300,000 square foot complex, located in Qingpu, near Shanghai, has been built for joint use between Chem-Trend and its sister company, Munich-based Kluber Lubrication (Kluber), for the production of release agents and specialty lubricants. The burgeoning Chinese market prompted the decision to invest in the region. Particularly strong-growth sectors include the automotive, plastics, footwear, tire and composites industries.
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