Chevron Phillips breaks ground for world’s largest on-purpose 1-hexene plant at Cedar Bayou Complex

Officials with Chevron Phillips broke ground for the world’s largest on-purpose 1-hexene plant capable of producing up to 250,000 metric tpa at the company’s Cedar Bayou Chemical Complex in Baytown, part of a US$5 bln “US Gulf Coast Petrochemicals Project” expansion by the company. Baytown was chosen for the new plant because it has the land and infrastructure able to accommodate large-scale growth. The plant is expected to open during Q1-2014. “1-hexene is a critical component used in the manufacture of polyethylene,” said Van Long, the plant manager of Chevron Phillips Chemical’s Cedar Bayou facility. The company has executed agreements with S & B Engineers and Constructors Ltd., to engineer and build the plant utilizing Chevron Phillips Chemical’s proprietary, 2nd generation, on-purpose 1-hexene technology, which produces comonomer grade 1-hexene from ethylene with exceptional product purity.
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