Cosmo Films acquires GBC Commercial Print Finish

Through internal accruals, debt and a seller deferred payment note of US$4 mln, Cosmo Films Ltd. has completed acquisition of GBC Commercial Print Finish business of ACCO Brands Corporation of USA. The US$17.1 mln acquisition has been through its Netherlands subsidiary, CF Holdings Ltd. BV. BOPP and thermal film maker Cosmo Films expects to establish itself as a global player in the thermal lamination segment through this acquisition. GBC manufactures lamination equipment and thermal films and has exports to Europe, North America, Japan and the Pacific Rim. Cosmo Films exports thermal laminates to Europe and USA. The acquisition will also help it in strengthening its foothold in other parts of the world. GBC’s European operations will be handled by Cosmo’s Netherlands subsidiary. It will also be the holding company of the subsidiaries in Japan, USA, Singapore and Korea, which will handle GBC’s commercial print businesses in these regions.
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