Eurotherm's EM-3c control system offers precise extruder control for less cost

The EM-3c control system is specifically designed for small extruders and is packed with the features of the popular earlier EM-3 Extrusion Control System. Thanks to its efficient Microsoft™ Windows operating system, the EM-3c system can now be offered at savings of up to 30 percent over earlier PC based versions. The EM-3c is applicable to many extrusion processes. Its competitive price and many processes and production features make it the perfect addition to existing extrusion processes," says Steve Schroeder, Eurotherm's Business Development Manager, Plastics. Based on the reliable MACO® Compact System platform, the new controller can be used for extruder temperature and pressure control or complete line control, and because it utilizes the operating system the EM-3c control system is one of the most cost-effective control systems offered by Eurotherm. The system's temperature card is designed specifically for single-screw, twin screw, co-extrusion or blown film applications and features fully automatic adaptive tuning, as well as conventional tuning, for precise control and auto-tuning for optimized melt pressure control. Preprogrammed components can be connected for true out-of-the-box performance. As with all EM-3c control systems, preconfigured screens and sequence login keep installation costs to a minimal. These built-in functions manage temperature, pressure, and line speed, while ramping and bumpless transfer ensures smooth processing.
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