Kureha to break ground for new polymer plant Monday

Kureha Corp. plans has broken ground for its new polymer plant in Kanawha County. The plant is a new, wholly-owned subsidiary to build the plant dedicated to the production of polyglycolic acid (PGA). The plant is to be located adjacent to a DuPont chemical plant in Belle, and is planned with an investment of US$100 mln. PGA resin has good gas barrier properties 100 times better than conventional PET. PGA is biodegradable and compatible with PET recycling processes. In the past, PGA has been limited to small scale operations making surgical sutures because manufacturers had no cost-effective process to produce the resin in high volumes. Now the breakthrough in the technology makes it cost-effective to produce PGA in large volumes, and the project commercially viable.
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EPS block moulding, thermocole plant

EPS block moulding, thermocole plant