May 2009 ethylene output dips in Japan

Ethylene output in Japan in May 2009 totalled 577,600 tons as compared with 594,500 tons in May 2008 as per the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, dipping by 2.8% as compared to May 2008 despite this year’s lighter maintenance shutdown schedule. May 2009 had two maintenance-related plant shutdowns, while May 2008 had three plant shutdowns. However, May output rose by 2.9% from 561,100 tons in April. This indicates the second consecutive month there of year-on-year percentage decline smaller than 3%, after double digit percentage falls for previous 7 months due to slack demand for petrochemcials amid the recession. The export volume of ethylene rose 77.2% to 289,700 tons in April from a year earlier.
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