Metabolix unveils next generation injection molding grade of Mirel bioplastics

Metabolix announced that Telles, the joint venture between Metabolix, Inc. and Archer Daniels Midland Company that produces Mirel(TM) bioplastics, has developed its next generation of injection molding bioplastic, Mirel P1003, in a collaborative effort with Nypro, a leading global precision plastics molder. Mirel P1003 is the second generation of Mirel for injection molding, replacing both P1001 and P1002 with a single grade suitable for a wider range of applications. This high performance biobased semi-crystalline polyester is tough, durable, and has excellent resistance to heat, making it a suitable replacement for high performance materials including ABS and polycarbonate. Advanced attributes of Mirel P1003 are overall improved processability, improved flow, faster overall cycle times compared to other biopolymers, and an overall cycle time similar to traditional thermoplastics. Plastics manufacturing solutions provider Nypro collaborated to meet customer's technical and manufacturing requirements. Metabolix is the developer of Mirel(TM), a family of high performance bioplastics which are biobased and biodegradable alternatives to many petroleum based plastics. Metabolix is also developing a proprietary platform technology for co-producing plastics, chemicals and energy, from crops such as switchgrass, oilseeds and sugarcane. The first commercial-scale plant to produce Mirel bioplastic resins is being constructed adjacent to ADM's wet corn mill in Clinton, Iowa.
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