New extremely highly thermally conductive plastic compounds

PREMIX OY has widened its range of conductive plastics by introducing new extremely highly thermally conductive plastic compounds. PRETHERM TPE compounds are based on thermoplastic elastomers and exhibit excellent thermal conductivity. They are ideal solution for heat dissipation in small electronics devices. The thermally conductive filler Boron Nitride enables good thermal conductivity without influencing the material's insulating properties. PRETHERM TPE compound is a cost-effective solution for mass-production applications since the material is easy to process and is recyclable. Electronics industry is constantly on the way towards smaller and smaller devices with increasing amount of special features. The smaller the device, the more attention should be paid to control the excess heat. PRETHERM product family is the right choice when looking for best efficiency ratio in gaskets, casings and gap filling applications. Traditionally the silicon-based compounds and glues are used as a intermediate heat conductor from circuit board to metal plate. When choosing PRETHERM TPE compound instead the production process will be simplified and accelerated radically; PRETHERM TPE can be co-molded with metal without using any primers. This results in competitive advantage by reduced production costs and by giving engineers more design flexibility. Also die-cutting can be made with 100% material efficient as PRETHERM TPE is fully recyclable. PRETHERM TPE compounds are insulative and non-migrating and can therefore be placed directly into contact with sensitive electronics without a risk of short-circuit. PRETHERM TPE grades are part of new PREMIX thermoplastic material portfolio for electronics. PRETHERM TPE grades are accompanied with PRESEAL® TPE for EMI gaskets and PRE-ELEC EMI for hard EMI shielded casings.
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