New grade offers new options for LEDs and consumer electronics

Solvay Advanced Polymers, maker of more plastics with more performance, announced today the release of two new grades for its Amodel® polyphthalamide (PPA) family of high performance polymers. The first enhanced formulation is Amodel HFZ A-4133L, a high-flow grade that offers a cost-effective alternative for customers currently employing liquid crystal polymers (LCP) that may be over-specified in certain electronics applications. The second newly enhanced offering is Amodel A-1133 NL WH886 with improved reflectivity and luminosity-retention for LED applications. We're very excited about the two new additions to our Amodel family of PPA resins," explained Wolf Sanner, Amodel Product Manager for Solvay Advanced Polymers. "As competition among electronic equipment manufacturers continues to grow, the choice of materials is increasingly a critical one. That's why we continue to invest in developing and delivering new formulations of polymeric solutions that meet the evolving needs of our electronics customers." The new enhanced formulation creates a resin that can be molded to fill the intricate and exacting tool designs commonly used to create electronic components. Specifically, multi-cavity tools for producing complex thin-walled parts. The result is a cost-effective alternative to more expensive LCPs. The new reflective grade of Amodel PPA delivers an inherently reflective plastic for manufacturers of LED packaging for automotive and consumer electronics applications, among others. The light stabilizing package also has exceptional adhesion to the silicone or epoxy encapsulant which is crucial for packaging LEDs. The new Amodel PPA reflective resin was recently selected by two global LED manufacturers based in Korea and Japan respectively.
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500,000 Lids / day thermoforming machine

500,000 Lids / day thermoforming machine