New high performance polyurethane foam products

A range of new high performance polyurethane foam products have been introduced by Momentive Performance Materials. The new materials may be considered for use across a wide variety of applications, including slabstock, molded, rigid and special foams. " NIAX silicone L-595 is a medium-high potency silicone to be considered for use in the production of flexible slabstock foam. Typically possessing good porosity, as well as fine regular cell and superior density distribution, this highly versatile material can be beneficial in most grades of conventional flexible foam. " NIAX silicone L-3627 is a low emission silicone surfactant to be considered for high resilience molded polyurethane foam. Typically used as a sole silicone surfactant, it can help promote optimum cell opening and provide stabilization. " NIAX silicone L-6840 is an organosilicone copolymer that may be applied to the resin side in the manufacture of rigid polyurethane foams. An excellent candidate to consider for refrigerators and cool-store applications, it is compatible with pentanes and other hydrophilic polyol compositions, typically offering low thermal conductivity, good foam flow, even density distribution and reduced void formation. " NIAX silicone L-3629 is a silicone surfactant that can be considered for use in high resilience molded polyurethane foam applications, where lower emissions are needed. Highly effective in stabilizing low density, HR molded foam, it can help provide excellent cell structure, decreased surface voids, and reduced vent collapse, coupled with wide processing latitude.
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