PetroChina plans capacity increase at Dushanzi refinery

In 2010, PetroChina, a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corp plans to increase output of the Dushanzi refinery in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region that commenced operations in September 2009. The company plans to raise refining capacity by 50%, while ethylene output is expected to rise 114% from levels seen in 2009. The RMB 30 bln refining and petrochemical project comprises ten refining machines, 11 chemical units and other supporting facilities. The complex is capable of processing 10 mln tpa of crude oil by distillation and 2 mln tpa of crude oil by hydrocracking, and producing 1 mln tons of ethylene, 900,000 tons of polyethylene and 550,000 tons of polypropylene.
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