Qapco-3 to be launched next month to augment capacity

In a move that will augment Qatar’s polyethylene production in excess of 1.2 mln tons, Qapco-3 has been planned. The multi-billion dollar plant, to come onstream in 2-3 years will produce about 300,000 tpa of polyethylene and will house a new central control room for all Qapco and Qatofin plants. German firm Uhde has been awarded a QR 2 bln engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the low density polyethylene (LDPE-3) plant at Mesaieed. The LDPE-3 project would use the high pressure tubular reactor technology from LyondellBasell. The project will use the excess ethylene produced by Qatofin and Qapco. The LDPE-3 project would be the last in the matrix of projects connected to Ras Laffan Olefins Company. The other RLOC-linked projects are Qatofin and Q-Chem.
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