RIL’s Nagothane petrochem plant gets clean-chit from Atomic Energy Regulatory Board

Reliance Industries' Petrochem plant at Nagothane has received a clean-chit from Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) in connection with allegations of harmful radiation emitting from the plant. As per a letter issued by AERB's Radiological Safety Division, radiation levels in the plant have been brought down to the acceptable limit by use of shielding and cordoning of the area and the propylene and polypropylene plants are also working safely. Medical examination of those working in the propylene and polypropylene plants is not necessary, since the general radiation levels observed in both the plants are very low. Raigad Collector had issued a notice to the company seeking explanation on the issue after an employee complained of radiation from the plant, as well as approached the AERB to inquire about the suspected radiation in the plant.
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