Shaw awarded technology license and design contract for Chevron Phillips Chemical's ethylene plant in USA

The Shaw Group Inc. has been awarded a contract by Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP (Chevron Phillips Chemical) to license its proprietary technology and provide a process design package for a 1.5 mln tpa grassroots ethylene plant. The new facility, which will be located at Chevron Phillips Chemical's existing Cedar Bayou Plant in Baytown, Texas, will be designed to use economical supplies of ethane feedstock derived from increased shale gas production. "This project represents a significant change in the ethylene marketplace as no U.S. plants have been added in approximately ten years," said James Glass, president of Shaw's Energy & Chemicals Group. "The selection of Shaw's technology for this project followed an evaluation of the top ethylene licensors in the world. Our robust Ultra Selective Conversion(R) furnace and recovery system and 70 years of experience in designing and/or building more than 120 grassroots ethylene units were key factors." Shaw has a long history of providing services to Chevron Phillips Chemical, having designed their ethylene plants in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, and Port Arthur, Texas. In addition, Shaw has conducted studies and performed revamps at most of the company's other sites.
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