Three refineries shut as fast forming Humberto strikes Texas and Louisiana

Fast-forming Hurricane Humberto has stunned the area around the Texas-Louisiana border. Humberto had been expected to hit land as a tropical storm, but suddenly transformed and strengthened into an 85 mph (137 kph) hurricane - the fastest on record. As Humberto struck, it killed at least one person, shut down three refineries and cut power to more than 100,000 customers. The hurricane unprecedently transformed from 30 knots (35 mph/55 kph) to 75 knots (86 mph/138 kph) in 18 hours. Total Petrochemicals USA, Valero Energy Corp. and Motiva Enterprises LLC refineries in Port Arthur were shut down by power outages. Houston and Lake Charles, Louisiana, which are major refining centers like the Beaumont-Port Arthur area, appeared to have escaped the worst.
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