Victrex's second PEEK plant completed

Completion of construction has been achieved by Victrex for its' second PEEK polymer plant at Thornton Clevelys, near Blackpool. The 1,450 tpa plant is expected to be operational by the end of the year. Built at a cost of £32 million; the expansion is being supported by an uprating of the supply chain for key feedstock BDF under a £23 million project scheduled for completion in second half of 2008. Vitrex sales volume touched record levels of just over 2,500 tons of the top performing engineering polymer in the year ending September. Increased PEEK sales were led by Asia Pacific, where volumes rose by 13% to 419 tons. Second in line was the USA with a 9% increase with a figure of 724 tons, while European levels were up by 4% at 1,196 tons.
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