World's largest plastic pipe maker to expand production to meet demand in North USA, Canada

JM Eagle, the world's largest manufacturer of plastic pipe, is expanding production of solid-wall high-density polyethylene at two of its plants to meet demand in northern U.S. and Canadian markets. JM Eagle, the world's largest manufacturer of plastic pipe, is expanding production of solid-wall high-density polyethylene at two of its plants to meet demand in northern U.S. and Canadian markets. Converting its Sunnyside, Wash., plant from PVC to PE production and boosting the number of PE lines at its Meadville, Pa., plant, the company aims to better serve the customers seeking products for water and sewer, as well as oil and gas gathering. The Sunnyside plant will also produce PE pipe for irrigation and both plants will produce products for power and communication application. "JM Eagle looks forward to better serving customers in the water and gas markets in the northern part of the country, as well as in Canada," said Dan O'Connor, JM Eagle vice president of PE sales. "This expansion gives JM Eagle a stronger footprint in PE production and distribution nationwide." Production on PE water pipe up to 36 inches in diameter and gas pipe is expected to begin mid- July at both plants, and all lines will be complete by September. The company also plans to manufacture up to 63-inch-diameter water pipe in the future, and is developing PE water pipe in even larger diameters.
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