A clarifying agent makes PP injection moulded containers clearer

A clarifying agent for polypropylene (PP) from Milliken Chemical makes injection molded jars clearer than standard PP. Like other clarifying agents, Millad NX8000 is normally compounded into polypropylene by the polymer maker. The new material yields jars that not only have enhanced transparency but also incredible colouring possibilities. The extra clarity allows great direct product display, while the possibility to use striking colours ensures the package will have great impact on the shelves. Millad NX8000 offers a step change in haze reduction compared to existing clarifying agents. Its typical 50% reduction in haze vs the current industry standard makes highly transparent polypropylene an achievable reality, even in relatively thick wall sections. Tests have shown that mouldings up to 1.2 mm thick made from polypropylene containing Millad NX8000 have optical properties very similar to optical grade thermoplastics, including polycarbonate. This excellent clarity is maintained even in coloured grades when Milliken ClearTint® polymeric colourants, designed specifically for transparent polypropylene applications, are used. Millad NX8000 can also improve mechanical properties, due to its positive effect on the crystalline structure of the polypropylene. It has food-contact approval from both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Europe.
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