A latex polyurethane foam that provides high comfort, freshness, higher durability

Dow Brazil has launched Fresh Comfort, a latex polyurethane foam that provides high comfort, freshness and a higher durability compared to conventional latex foams. The new specialty for flexible foams has properties similar to those of conventional latex foams and that offer the same velvet touch and excellent air circulation. Paulo Altoe and Andre Fernandes, product technology manager and commercial technical representative for Dow Brazil, respectively, talked about the "New generation of foams for thermal insulation with environmentally friendly expanders." They introduced the new generation of polyurethane systems combined with expanders that do not affect the ozone layer and that cause no direct impact on global warming. Rodnei Abe, technical sales representative specialist in insulation products for energy efficiency market in South America, presented a study about "Enhanced polyisocyanurate foams for metal-faced panels." The lecture addressed some resources involved in the structure-property relation that is a characteristic of the polyisocyanurate sandwich technology, including its fire resistance, in addition to introducing a family of polyisocyanurate foam systems commercialized under the VORATHERM(TM) brand, a line of products that meets customers' specific needs in terms of foam's physical properties, processability and flame retardancy by working with diverse expanders.
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