American petrochemical association reported to have paid lobbyist

The National Petrochemical & Refiners Association comprises 450 members and is headquartered in Washington. BASF AG, Lyondell Chemical Co. and Valero Energy Corp. are among the prominent members of this association. Members of The National Petrochemical & Refiners Association are reported, as per a disclosure form, to have paid Bracewell & Giuliani LLP US$240,000 in H1-2007 to lobby the federal government. The firm lobbied Congress, the Energy Department and Environmental Protection Agency on energy and fuel legislation and price and supply issues, as per the form posted online Wednesday by the Senate's public records office. Lisa Jaeger, a former acting general counsel and deputy general counsel at the EPA, Edward Krenik, who was the EPA's associate administrator for congressional and intergovernmental relations, and Milam Mabry, former legislative assistant for Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, are among those registered to lobby on behalf of the trade group. Under a federal law enacted in 1995, lobbyists are required to disclose activities that could influence members of the executive and legislative branches. They must register with Congress within 45 days of being hired or engaging in lobbying.
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