Middle East Plastic Pipes 2008

There is tremendous development taking place in the Middle East and North Africa. Construction projects are booming, particularly in regions such as Dubai. There is also an increase in programmes to improve water management from desalination plants to recovery and recycling of waste water, and irrigation. This all increases the demand for pipe systems and the plastic pipe industry is currently expanding in the region. Applied Market Information is responding to this situation by organising a conference, Middle East Plastic Pipes 2008, which will take place from 2-4 June 2008 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Papers are invited from experts across the supply chain including construction experts, water industry experts, pipe and fitting installers and manufacturers, materials and equipment suppliers. There is a particular focus on the special requirements of the climate and development programmes in the region. The deadline for sending an offer of a paper to Dr Sally Humphreys is 7th December 2007 (sh@amiplastics.com).
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