EuCIA was recently informed that both India and Turkey have imposed anti-dumping measure on glass fibre from China. In India’s case the provisional measures are reaching levels of 40.86%. EuCIA sources also noted that Turkey’s users were critically affected. Turkey’s provisional measures were set at 38% which represents additional costs to the already 7% existing import duty. The results of these developments driven by producers are having serious effects for the composites industry worldwide and contribute to the growing uncertainties for the European users.
Following this unprecedented situation, the ongoing investigation of the European Commission on glass fibre products from China (AD549) is still going on. As the voice of the European composites industry, EuCIA is strongly opposing any type of protectionist measures and these views have been expressed several times to the European officials. Due to intensive pressure from the European industry and the prospect of negative effects for users already happening (e.g. shortage of glass fibre) on the market, no decision has been taken yet by the European officials on this case. Further on, EuCIA advocacy actions are focused at national level. The European industry called on EU 27 Member States to oppose any provisional measures which will most likely create social and economic disruptions at national level. An estimated number of 10.000 companies and 150.000 employees will be seriously affected by import duties on glass fibre products and the future looks even bleak for this sector. Provisional measures are not imposed. EuCIA is calling on all European glass fibre users to join forces on opposing import duties.