China's Jilin province plans ethylene output of 750,000 tpa by 2005

China's Jilin Province will consolidate and strengthen its petrochemical industry in 2005 by developing new projects and stabilizing the existing ones. The province expects to produce 5.3 million tons of crude oil in 2005 and realize an ethylene output of 750,000 tons. The province plans to accelerate the pace of the 1 million ton ethylene expansion project in JCIG, with emphasis on the 600,000 ton ethylene, 300,000 ton ABS and 350,000 ton styrene projects. With support from Jilin Chemical Industrial Group (JCIG), the province will develop the fine chemical industry, high-quality compound materials and special materials so as to increase the proportion and add value of finished products and optimize and upgrade the current equipment.
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