DuPont's opens first storm shelter testing center

Dupont has inaugurated its first storm shelter testing center - a multi-million dollar facility, that will allow the company to test different materials for its DuPont™ StormRoom™ with Kevlar®. DuPont also will use the site to develop new technologies that will further help protect people and property during dangerous storms. The test facility will allow the company to test new materials for storm protection and to make the StormRoom™ stronger and more cost-effective for consumers and building owners. According to DuPont research, consumers are increasingly focused on home safety and the need for functionality in a storm shelter. The DuPont™ StormRoom™ allows for electricity and plumbing installation, as well as cell phone and radio reception, so its occupants can monitor news and weather information. When not in use, the StormRoom™ can double as an extra room, storage space or powder room, providing year-round utility. The DuPont™ StormRoom™ with Kevlar® is the only shelter that can be installed in existing as well as new homes, above ground or in basements, and is completely transportable using authorized installers. It is designed to withstand the impact of a 2' x 4' timber propelled at 100 mph - the speed at which the timber would travel in the strongest tornado, which generates wind gusts of up to 250 mph. The StormRoom™ also is crush-resistant and engineered to support a uniformly distributed weight of more than 70,000 pounds, the weight of a fully loaded tractor trailer. Based on DuPont comparison data, the company believes the StormRoom™ to be the strongest and most durable of all the storm shelters available today.
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