EQUATE sponsors engineering design exhibition

EQUATE Petrochemical company sponsored the 16th Engineering Design Exhibition organized by Kuwait University's Faculty of Engineering & Petroleum. The exhibition included student designs relevant to water utilization, solar energy, architecture, oil and gas, as well as petrochemicals industries, such as ethylene and ethylene glycol plants. Company's Human Resources Leader Yaqoub Al-Kandari noted that some of the designs showcased at the exhibition were developed after the students had visited EQUATE's plants, adding that EQUATE has sponsored this event in previous years. Al-Kandari said, "As EQUATE is a World Class company applying best practices in all business sectors, these scientific forums are a great opportunity to attract qualified individuals wishing to work in the private sector, especially Kuwaitis who comprise over 55% of EQUATE's workforce which is part of its business partnership strategies. EQUATE is planning on boosting ties with higher education organizations through signing memorandums of cooperation, such as the one signed with Faculty of Engineering & Petroleum in 2008." EQUATE, the leading producer of polyethylene and ethylene glycol, is a joint venture between Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), The Dow Chemical Company, Boubyan Petrochemicals Company and Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company.
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