Essar Gujarat Petrochemicals Ltd has awarded to CB&I, through Lummus Technology, contracts for technology licenses and basic engineering for a major grassroots petrochemicals complex in Vadinar, India. Value of the contacts exceeds US$45 mln, and the technologies to be provided include ethylene, ethylbenzene/styrene monomer, butadiene extraction, MTBE/ETBE/butene-1, and cumene/phenol. The core of the petrochemical complex will be a 1.3 million metric tpa mixed feed ethylene unit that will utilize Lummus' latest generation SRT® VI cracking furnaces and recovery technology. The downstream petrochemical units for the production of styrene, butadiene, ethers, butene-1, and phenol are also of world-scale capacity, and are being licensed by Lummus in cooperation with its various licensing partners.