Fire at a PetroChina subsidiary Dalian Petrochemical

As fire broke out at a major petrochemical refinery in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian. This is the second fire in two months at PetroChina subsidiary Dalian Petrochemical. The fire is reported to have occurred in a diesel tank containing 800 tons of fuel. The blaze was caused by an explosion in a pipeline linking two fuel tanks. TAs per another report, the fire was triggered by leak in a distillation device at the Dalian Petrochemical Company. No one died or was injured in the accident, which the company said had not caused pollution to the sea or the air. Dalian was the site of China's biggest known oil spill, when a pipeline explosion put at least 1,500 tons (461,790 gallons) of oil into the sea in July 2010.
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