Gas injection treated innovative folding chair bags highly coveted design award

An innovatively designed folding chair without screws made of polypropylene and textile fibers employing gas injection technique by Taiwan's teacher-student combo has bagged a Red Dot Design Concept Award in the competition for Germany's 2008 Red Dot Design Awards, Taiwan News reported. The "Good-bye Screw" folding chair designed and conceptualized by Chen Chun-tung, a teacher at Shu-Te University in Kaohsiung County and his student, Fang Po-hsiung stood out as winners in the furniture category from among 1,900 entries. The Red Dot Design Concept Award is considered a measurement of future design directions and trends. As per the designer, the gas injection technique not only augmented the strength of the main body but also decreased the plastic consumption, thereby cutting considerable cost in production. The newly designed chair takes only 60 seconds for assembly as it houses no screws and has only a few components. Mass production of the "Good-bye Screw" designed chair is under consideration.
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