Global demand pharmaceutical packaging to rise 5.3% pa through 2013

Global demand for pharmaceutical packaging will rise 5.3% pa to over US$47 billion in 2013 as per a report by Freedonia. The developed countries of Western Europe, the US and Japan will continue to account for nearly three-fourths of this amount. However, China will provide the strongest growth opportunities based on rapidly expanding pharmaceutical manufacturing capabilities and the phasing-in of an extensive government program designed to upgrade the quality and integrity of nationally produced medicines. Among other major developing economies, India and Brazil will also evolve into fast-growing pharmaceutical packaging markets as drug-producing sectors are upgraded and diversified, especially in the area of generic ethical drugs. Advances in biotechnology to benefit primary pharmaceutical packaging products. The fastest growth in primary pharmaceutical containers is anticipated for prefillable syringes and parenteral vials, which will expand applications as advances in biotechnology lead to the introduction of new therapies that must be injected. Although projected for below average growth in demand, plastic bottles will remain the most widely used package for oral drugs distributed in bulk and prescription dose volumes to retail and mail order pharmacies. Plastic bottles will also continue to dominate applications in OTC medicines sold in tablet and capsule quantities of 50 or more. Pharmaceutical blister packaging will sustain favorable growth based on its adaptability to unit dose formats with expanded label content, high visibility, and built-in track and trace features. The market for pharmaceutical pouches will expand at a fast pace, spurred by rising applications in the unit dose packaging of transdermal patches, powders for reconstitution, and topical creams and ointments. Prefillable inhalers will command strong growth opportunities as the number of chronic asthma, allergy and migraine patients treated with inhalation drugs rises. Ongoing improvements in aesthetic and barrier properties will keep tubes a leading primary container for topical medication. S trong growth expected for pharmaceutical closures Vial stoppers, syringe tips and plastic flip-top vial closures will command the strongest growth for pharmaceutical closures as injectable bioengineered drugs broaden emergency care chronic disease indications. Twist and turn child-resistant caps will remain the top closures for oral and liquid drug containers, but will lose growth momentum as blister packs and pouches penetrate unit dose applications. Plastic dispensing closures will fare much better among drug makers based on ease of use and convenience in the delivery of liquid medicines and lotions. Due to marketing and security benefits, paperboard boxes will lead sales of secondary pharmaceutical containers. Demand for prescription vials will slowly increase as ethical medicines are adapted to prescription dose bottles for direct dispensing. Demand value recorded by pharmaceutical labels will grow rapidly as drug makers change to higher-value added types to meet pedigree regulations for combating drug counterfeiting. Due to trends toward smaller-sized shipments, shipping cartons will post faster growth opportunities than corrugated shipping boxes. Demand for other packaging accessories, including shrink wrap and bands, tamper-evident seals, desiccants and packaging materials will expand with increases in pharmaceutical shipments.
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