Huntsman starts-up facility for color pigment in Georgia as the North American hub

Huntsman announced the startup of operations at its brand new color pigments facility in Augusta, Georgia. Huntsman has invested more than US$172 mln in the development of the new production plant, the first of its kind to be built in North America for more than 35 years. A showcase for world-class pigments manufacturing technology, the new site has the capacity to produce 30,000 metric tpa of yellow, red and black iron oxide pigments. The new facility will serve as the North American hub for Huntsman’s global pigments and additives business, which employs more than 4,500 people worldwide. Jan Buberl, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Color Pigments and Timber Treatment at Huntsman, said: “After years of hard work on site it is incredibly satisfying to see our new pigments plant up and running. Our new facility in Augusta increases our global manufacturing base and will enable us to better meet the needs of customers across the Americas. Producing product closer to their operations means we can offer better delivery times and greater security of supply. It also improves the environmental footprint of our supply chain. Thank you to everyone involved in this project, including the external organizations that helped to make the new plant a reality. Their input was invaluable and we are enormously grateful for their support.”
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