India's BPCL restores Mumbai exports after September maintenance shutdown

India's Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd (BPCL) has sold a third naphtha cargo from Mumbai refinery, bringing total export volumes from the plant to 105,000 tons upon completion of maintenance at a crude unit, as per Reuters. BPCL sold 35,000 tons of naphtha for Oct. 22-24 loading from Mumbai to Itochu at premiums of about US$33-34/ton to Middle East quotes on a free-on-board (FOB) basis. The state-owned plant sold just 70,000 tons of naphtha this month due to maintenance at a 90,000 bpd crude distillation unit (CDU), which ended around Sept. 20. BPCL sold 11,000 tons of naphtha for Oct. 10-14 loading from Haldia port to Trafigura at a discount of about US$10.50/ton.
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